What does STRETCH mean?

adjust the screen to be narrow and then wider...
see the words and pictures adjust to fill it.
Here's another in a different color.

Laurels Information Page

OG Bierstadt

Now... go to Teddy's site and do the same thing....
see it doesn't stretch but stays the same size.
The same way as the others.
Olivia's is the same way.

Teddy Edward

I preferred the stretch until I started getting the wider templates and now I tend to prefer them.
You can see samples at
Kobie-Girl and Laurel Stone School of Real Estate.

Laurel Stone School 

Another cool thing is how different the same template can look. check out
Dogz-n-Stuff, Harvestime Kennel and O. G. Edgerton Schutzhund Club.
(My goal is to teach people how to maintain their own site
and that's what has happened with Harvestime and Edgerton!
That sure works for me!
Harvestime Kennel
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